100 days from re-starting this blog, I'm turning 50.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 10

I've got chicken soup in the fridge for Shabbat, boneless breasts defrosting in the fridge.

I made lunches for the twins for tomorrow.

The dishwasher is running, and the counter is clear.

I don't know how long this will last, but I'm enjoying the ride.

Oh--and, there's a plastic bag hanging from the armrests in the front seat of the mini-van.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Weeks, uh, 6-9?

So, it's been a while...

Lots of big things have been getting in the way of focusing on the little things. That sounds like the opposite of the usual problem--kind of like, "For want of the kingdom the nail was lost..." But the truth is that there are times in life when the personal change engine needs to take a rest, when self-improvement has to ride in the backseat b/c Jewish holidays-a-gogo, big work and family demands, and the like are taking turns driving the car.

There, there, low-hanging fruits. You'll have your chance.

From last time:

10.  Trash bag always hanging from the arms of the two front seats: it's there. It works. Haven't been so good about keeping the spare bags around, so right now it's full and hasn't been taken in in a while. There's been some overflow onto the floor. Plus, 4-hour-each-way car trip this weekend with the twinlets. 'Nuff said. The Husband and I are going to clean out the car in a few minutes.

Jon the Boss has started using this format for meetings with his direct reports: a. What have you been working on? b. Where are you stuck? c. How can I help? The whole diagnosing-where-you're-stuck thing is truly a sine qua non of any kind of change, small or large. What's getting in the way? What obstacles--familiar, or unexpected--are you encountering?

It's too easy to go from point A (problem!) to point C (frustration with persistence of problem) without stopping at B (what's contributing to problem?)--which can often let you bypass C entirely and divert you to D  (Oh! Get the bags from the "way back" already and keep them up front at all times! You know that bin under the passenger seat? etc.).

I don't know about you, but I suspect I'm not the only one who jumps right to getting mad at yourself, frustrated at the universe, annoyed with family members...beating up on yourself, or (even in your head) somebody else. Fruit of the Week: when feeling annoyed about something in my world that I presumably have some control over but am completely frustrated with, depressed about, etc., let those feelings serve as a reminder to say: "OK. Back-up. What's getting in the way of you solving this?" And, if I've got some energy left in that particular session d'introspection, "What/who do you need to marshall to solve it?"

Because sometimes, sure, it will be professional help, a day off, or a family meeting that will be needed to make real progress on a given challenge. But sometimes, it will be something as simple as: Oh. Yeah. The plastic bags. Move 'em to the front. Done.

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About Me

By training, a rabbi. In practice, an editor, planner, consultant, and spiritual director. In life, a stepmother, mother, wife, friend, aspiring declutterer.